I spend a lot of time on TikTok. Part of it is for my job but part is because it is my favorite social media platform. Let me tell you a reason why. 

My friend, Melissa, let me just mention that I have never met her in person and I can still call her my friend. That is because my second favorite thing I love about TikTok, I have made so many amazing relationships with others on this platform. Getting to know and walk alongside these amazing women online is a privilege and I also get the opportunity to pray for them, it’s simply amazing. 

Ok so back to my first point, since I flew right past it at the beginning and jumped to number two. Melissa, who I mentioned before started a movement on TikTok and I am here for it. It’s called Send Sparkle. This is where you send a crown to another woman that needs a little sparkle in their lives. Sometimes we all need a little extra sparkle in our lives due to situations and circumstances and they can just weigh us down and we can also be our own worst enemy. This is a great way to tell someone that they are doing a great job! They are a great mom, wife, and daughter. By sending them something they probably wouldn’t buy for themselves you are telling them they are worthy, loved, and seen! What a powerful message to send them. 

My love language is giving. So I get just as much joy out of giving as the person on the receiving end, but I won’t lie when my friend Jessica ( again a friend I made on TikTok) sent me this crown I was blown away and it really made my week. Let me tell you when it arrived I put that crown on first thing and felt like a queen. Remember the days growing up and you played dress-up? This was one of my favorite activities. My mom had a tub of old dresses and even though they were big, when I put them on with some oversized heels and a plastic tiara I felt like a million bucks. I think that is why even to this day I love to dress up for a special event and go all out.

I love everything about this movement, but I think my favorite is letting another woman know she is seen because as human beings we want to know we are seen. And actions speak so much louder than words. So if you want to join in this movement you don’t have to be on TikTok. Buy a crown and give it to someone who really needs a little sparkle in their life. I am passing on two crowns this week, one to a really close friend and one to a new friend I met on TikTok. I can’t wait to share with them that they are worthy, loved, and seen. 

I pray that this blog today was an encouragement to you and can help in your daily life. Always know I am available to pray with you or just be someone to talk to when life gets hard. E-mail me at megan@churchanywhere.us if you need prayer! 

Talk to you next Monday!