The lies that we tell ourselves We tell ourselves so many lies and I caught a glimpse of that when I read through the inner critic survey forms that some of you filled...
Things no one told me Have you ever had this thought? “I wish there was an instruction manual on [fill in the blank].” That’s not just me, right? A manual...
Running club I hate running. My kids would get on to me because I said the word hate… ok so just for them I will rephrase it, I dislike running, like...
Internet down A majority of my job relies on the internet, as do many others at this time with a lot of people working from home or using the internet to...
91% Today I heard a statistic that made me stop in my tracks. Ok not physically stop because I was driving at the time but I couldn’t stop...
Let’s be honest Let’s be honest with each other and especially be honest with ourselves. Have you ever noticed that it is so much easier to share honesty...
Blind but now I see So about a week and a half ago I had Lasik surgery. I have been wanting to get LASIK for a long time but it never worked out in the past,...
Your brokenness is welcome here. Some of you who read my blogs, I have never met and you definitely know a lot more about me than I do about you. The other group of people...
Popping pimples First off this is not a blog about popping literal pimples but instead, it is something I use as a metaphor for anxiety. To be honest I...