When we read the Old Testament, prophecy can be hard to understand sometimes, but this one’s about as clear as it could be. 

There is a guy that loved you so much that He went through being beaten and crucified because He loved you. No matter what sin that you’re in, He loved you when you thought your identity was in something that it should not have been in. The best part about it is it didn’t stop at the cross because Jesus won the victory on the cross. He can take you and transform you into something you never imagined that you could be. That’s what happens when Jesus gets involved in a situation. When Jesus gets involved in a situation, that same guy that was prophesied about, that loves you unconditionally, He will transform you to look more and more and more like him. All He requires is surrendering.

No matter what is wrong with your life – no matter what sin you’re in, no matter how dark it gets – He is there. He is the light in your darkness & He loves you so much. He proved it on a cross, dying a horrible death, and He won the victory by continuing on and beating death.You now have an opportunity to be part of his family and allow him to transform you to look more like Him and live with Him forever.