We Care About Your Mental Health
Let's promote open discussions about mental health because, regardless of your challenges, you are not alone. Even during your most difficult moments, there is still hope. Delve into the subjects, narratives, and resources provided below to gain insights from professionals and individuals who have faced mental health struggles. It's important to note that this list is not exhaustive. Our intention is to offer a starting point for you to explore.
Need to talk to someone?
If you are struggling with any of the issues we hit on or need to talk to a counselor, click the button below to reach out.
We believe it is so important to talk about mental health because so many people struggle with mental health in one way or another (even multiple ways). In the past, it has been a topic that has been avoided and we want to shine some light on it. Joni and Megan discuss this and some practical tips on how to start that conversation with someone in your life.
If you are struggling don’t hesitate to reach out by clicking the talk to a counselor button. Know that we have created a safe place for you and will get you in contact with someone who can help.
Today Joni & Donnie are answering questions about the stigma attached to mental health that largely surrounds the Church and Christian communities and so much more.
“Why am I so mad at God?” Many individuals experience moments of frustration, disappointment, or even anger towards God and this video seeks to explore the underlying reasons behind these emotions.
If you are struggling don’t hesitate to reach out. There is an option to click the talk to a counselor button. Know that we have created a safe place for you and will get you in contact with someone who can help.
What is moral injury?
In this thought-provoking video, we delve into the complex and often overlooked concept of moral injury. Through compelling personal stories and expert insights, we navigate the profound emotional and spiritual toll that moral injury takes on individuals, shedding light on the challenges they face.
If you are struggling don’t hesitate to reach out by clicking the talk to a counselor button. Know that we have created a safe place for you and will get you in contact with someone who can help.
We find ourselves comparing everything we do to others. Donnie and Joni talk about their own experiences with comparison, but it boils down to we have to remember what God thinks about us and how God looks at us as opposed to how we look at ourselves or how we look at one another.
If you are struggling don’t hesitate to reach out. Click the talk to a counselor button. We want you to know that we have created a safe place for you and will get you in contact with someone who can help.
The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be incredibly stressful. From shopping for gifts and hosting gatherings to dealing with family dynamics, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. In this video, we’ll explore practical tips and strategies to help you navigate holiday stress and make this season a more enjoyable and peaceful one.
May is Mental Health Awareness month and because of that, we wanted to share a conversation between Donnie and Megan. In this short video, you will see a snapshot of what counseling looked like for Megan and hear her experiences.
Psychology Today Therapist Finder | Use this comprehensive directory of therapists to find a counselor who is right for you. When searching you can filter therapists using a wide variety of criteria such as therapist gender, insurance accepted, faith background, specialities, and more.
Join Donnie and Joni as they have a conversation and answer questions that you might have, for example, “What is anxiety?” or “Is there something wrong with me?”
There are certain elements that feed our anxiety and depression. Shame and guilt are some of those elements. Joni and Donnie have a conversation about how shame and guilt feed into our anxiety and depression.
If you are struggling don’t hesitate to reach out by clicking the talk to a counselor button. Know that we have created a safe place for you and will get you in contact with someone who can help.
When you are experiencing grief in your life the thing you might want to do most is escape those feelings of grief, but it’s around every corner. That’s why today Donnie and Joni are having a conversation about grief and we pray that you can find comfort and peace in your healing journey.
If you are struggling with grief we encourage you to reach out and talk to someone and if you would like to talk with a counselor we would like to connect you with one.
A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss by Jerry L Sittser
Colors of Goodbye by September Vaudrey
And Life Comes Back: A Wife’s Story of Love, Loss, and Hope Reclaimed by Tricia Lott Williford
A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis, et al.
Grieving a Suicide by Albert Y Hsu
Donnie and Joni have a conversation about addiction. From what it is to even tips on how to help if someone you love has an addiction.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Celebrate Recovery (For all addictions)
Codependents Anonymous (CoDA)
Faithful & True (For those struggling with sexual addiction)
Gamblers Anonymous (GA)
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
Al-Anon and Alateen (For families of alcoholics)
We all struggle with anger in our lives. Listen in as Joni & Donnie chat about anger being a secondary emotion.
A caregiver is one of the hardest positions we will find ourselves in. Joni and Donnie discuss the emotional rollercoaster you go on as a caregiver.
If you need to talk to someone or if you are looking for a support system, we want to help. Click the Talk To A Counselor button at the top of this page.
What is PTSD? Joni shares with Donnie that PTSD is a reaction to a highly intense experience. Listen in as they share more details on what PTSD is and how you can manage it.
ACE Test | Use this assessment to help you discern whether or not you are struggling with trauma.
The Place We Find Ourselves | This podcast features private practice therapist Adam Young (LCSW, MDiv) and interview guests as they discuss all things related to story, trauma, attachment, and interpersonal neurobiology.
Joni and Donnie discuss a topic that isn’t talked about a lot. What are eating disorders and is this a stand-alone issue?
If you need to talk to someone or if you are looking for a support system, we want to help. Click the Talk To A Counselor button at the top of this page.
Message Series
National Resources
These resources can help with finding out more about mental health, mental illness, treatments, local resources, and national helplines.
NAMI Basics on Demand | A 6-week, self-paced, interactive support for parents whose kids have a mental health diagnosis.
- How You Can Survive When They’re Depressed: Living and Coping with Depression Fallout by Anne Sheffield
- Seen: Healing Despair and Anxiety in Kids and Teens Through the Power of Connection by Will Hutcherson and Chinwe Williams, PhD
- When Someone Dies: A Child-Caregiver Activity Book National Alliance for Grieving Children
- Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood
- The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers: The Secret to Loving Teens Effectively
- Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls
- Freeing Your Child from Anxiety, Revised and Updated Edition: Practical Strategies to Overcome Fears, Worries, and Phobias and Be Prepared for Life–from Toddlers to Teens
- The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide: What You and Your Family Need to Know
- Building the Bonds of Attachment: Awakening Love in Deeply Troubled Children 2nd (second) edition
- Attachment-Focused Parenting: Effective Strategies to Care for Children
- The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become and How Their Brains Get Wired
- Braver, Stronger, Smarter: A Girl’s Guide to Overcoming Worry & Anxiety
- Raising Worry-Free Girls: Helping Your Daughter Feel Braver, Stronger, and Smarter in an Anxious World
- The Bipolar Child (Third Edition): The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood’s Most Misunderstood Disorder
- Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder: Understanding and Helping Your Partner
A Kids Book About Anxiety by Ross Szabo
What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kids’ Guide to Overcoming Anxiety by Dawn Huebner, PhD
Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame | App to help kids self-regulate (English and Spanish)
A Kids Book About Depression by Kileah McIlvain
The Princess & the Fog: A Story for Children with Depression by Lloyd Jones
A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret M. Holmes
Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss by Pat Schwiebert and Chuck DeKlyen
When Mom or Dad Dies: A Book of Comfort for Kids by Daniel Grippo
Finding Quiet: My Journey to Peace in an Anxious World by Jamie Grace
Touchpoint Solution | Designed to address the body’s fight or flight response, this tool can help calm your body when experiencing anxiety and stress.
mADAP | A video-based mobile health app developed specifically to provide information about depression to adolescents.
The Depression Workbook for Teens: Tools to Improve Your Mood, Build Self-Esteem, and Stay Motivated by Katie Hurley, LCSW
Chill & Spill: A Place to Put it Down and Work it Out by Steffanie Lorig and Jeanean Jacobs
Resources for Grieving Teens & Their Family | The Children’s Room, an organization who provides grief support to teens, children, and their family, has a list of resources specifically for teens. Note: The organization is based in Massachusetts.
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- Suicide . . . Read This First
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (For Teens)
- Child Mind Institute: “Anxiety”
- Child Mind Institute: “Suicide and Self-Harm”
- Child Mind Institute: “Depression”
- Child Mind Institute: “Trauma and Grief”
- American Counseling Association
- American Psychological Association “Answers to Your Questions about Panic Disorder”
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- American Psychological Association: “Depression”
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
- Psych Central “Ways to Overcome the Emotional Effects of Social Distancing”
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
- Psych Central “Ways to Overcome the Emotional Effects of Social Distancing”
- The Happiness Trap
- Kids Health: “Childhood Stress”
- Kids Health: “Depression”
- Child Mind Institute: “Anxiety”
- Child Mind Institute: “Depression”
- Child Mind Institute: “Suicide and Self-Harm”
- Child Mind Institute: “Trauma and Grief”
- American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
- American Counseling Association
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (For parents)
- TED Talk: “Tackling the Mental Health Crisis in Our Youth”
- TED Talk: “Shattering the Silence: Youth Suicide”
- TED Talk: “How Important Relationships Can Decrease Anxiety & DepressionDr. Maxine Ruddock YouTube
- TED TALK: “How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime” by Nadine Burke Harris YouTube
- “The Cloud of Depression” Full Documentary YouTube
- YOUTUBE: “Presence, Parenting, and the Planet” by Dan Siegel
- TED Talk: Tackling the Mental Health Crisis in Our Youth
- YOUTUBE: “Presence, Parenting, and the Planet” by Dan Siegel
- TED Talk: Tackling the Mental Health Crisis in Our Youth
- Fuller: “Ministry of Presence”
- Fuller: “Facing our Losses: Leaders Learning to Grieve”
- Orange Students Blog: “Processing Tragedy & Grief As a Student Ministry Leader”
- Orange Kids Blog: “How to Make Elementary Schoolers Feel Safe and Loved”
- Orange Students Blog: “What to Think When the Unthinkable Happens”
- Orange Leaders: ”Suicide Prevention: Lies We Can Become Trapped In”
- DYM: “When Anxiety of Leadership Comes”
- Youth Specialties: “The Life of A Youth Worker Is Not Easy”
- Youth Specialties: “5 Personal Resources to Help You Become a Healthier Youth Worker”
- Youth Specialties: “Being a Non-Anxious Youth Worker in the Age of Anxiety”
- Youth Specialties: “A Youth Worker’s Personal Climb Out of Darkness”
- Youth Specialties: “When Mental Health Took Center Stage for Me”
- Youth Specialties: “4 Reasons Why Youth Workers Should Go to Counseling”
- DYM: “Take Care of Yourself”
- DYM: “How’s Your Soul Doing?”
- Orange Leaders: “How the Church can Help Those in Recovery”
- Orange Leaders: “Setting Up a Counseling Center at your Church: Setting up for Success”
- Orange Leaders: “What to Say When the Unthinkable Happens”
- Orange Leaders: “Getting Unstuck from Depression”
- Fuller: “Naming Loss and Gratitude with Young People in These Uncertain Days”
- Fuller: “Helping Adolescents Work Through the Rising Tide of Anxiety”
- Orange Leaders: “Getting Unstuck from Depression”
- Fuller: “Naming Loss and Gratitude with Young People in These Uncertain Days”
- Fuller: “Helping Adolescents Work Through the Rising Tide of Anxiety”
- Fuller: “What’s the difference between stress and anxiety? 3 signs”
- Fuller: “Busting myths about teen girl anxiety”
- The Parent Cue: “4 Ways to Maintain Mental and Emotional Wellness During a Crisis”
- The Parent Cue: “The Suicide Talk”
- The Parent Cue: “Four Things You Can Do To Start The Conversation On Suicide With Your Middle Schooler”
- The Parent Cue: “I’m A Parent Who Struggles with Depression”
- Fuller: “Naming Loss and Gratitude with Young People in These Uncertain Days”
- The Parent Cue: “Four Things You Can Do To Start The Conversation On Suicide With Your Middle Schooler”
- Fuller: “Helping Adolescents Work Through the Rising Tide of Anxiety”
- Fuller: “What’s the difference between stress and anxiety? 3 signs”
- Fuller: “Busting myths about teen girl anxiety”
- Orange Students Blog: “Four Key Things to Know about Dealing with Students and Trauma”
- Orange Students Blog: “Suicide Prevention Month: 3 Things to Remember”
- Orange Students Blog: “What to Say When the Unthinkable Happens”
- Orange Students Blog: “High School Crisis Conversation Guides for Parents and SGLs” (Free download)”
- Orange Students Blog: “Handling Tragedies”
- Orange Students Blog: “Four Key Things to Know About Dealing with Students and Trauma”
- Orange Leaders: “3 Keys to Addressing Mental Health and Suicide in Your Ministry”
- Orange Leaders: “4 Keys to Establishing a Recovery Program That Reaches Your Community”
- Fuller: “We need to talk about anxiety”
- Orange Leaders: “3 Ways To Use Social Media For Outreach”
- Orange Leaders: “Behind the Smile: What You Want Every SGL to Know”
- Orange Leaders: “Leading Yourself Well Through Tough Ministry Seasons”
- Orange Leaders: “In Times of Crisis: Create Space for Grace
- Youth Specialties: “The Way We Were: Unlearning for the Future of Our Students”
- Youth Specialties: “Three Essentials for Students Remembering Faith in the Midst of Uncertainty”
- Youth Specialties: “5 Ways to Help Students Navigate Stress and Anxiety”
- Youth Specialties: “How I Talk to My Students About Mental Health”
- Youth Specialties: “5 Simple Ways to Respond to Teens with Anxiety and Depression”
- Youth Specialties: “5 Levels to Navigating Tragedy as a Youth Worker”
- Youth Specialties: “3 Resources for Working with Kids Who Cut/Self-Harm”
- Youth Specialties: “Surviving the Ups and Downs of Youth Ministry”
- Youth Specialties: “What to Do with Sensitive Information from Students”
- Youth Specialties: “Trauma Informed Youth Ministry”
- Youth Specialties: “When Mental Illness Becomes An Identity: 3 Things You Can Do”
- Youth Specialties: “5 Steps for Referring Students to Professionals”
- Youth Specialties: “Mental Health + Youth Worker”
- Youth Specialties: “Mental Health + Students”
- Youth Specialties: “Replacing Tragedy with Hope”
- Youth Specialties: “5 Things to Avoid When a Student Comes to You With a Crisis”
- Youth Specialties: “Suicide Grief: Living in the Aftermath of Suicide”
- Youth Specialties: “Preparing for the Unthinkable”
- Youth Specialties: “6 Strategies for Engaging the Hurting Teen”
- Youth Specialties: “Trauma and Adolescents”
- Youth Specialties: “Leading Through Brokenness”
- Youth Specialties: “5 Things You Should Know About Self-Harm”
- Fuller: “Naming Loss and Gratitude with Young People in These Uncertain Days”
- Fuller: “Naming and Navigating Depression in the Lives of Teenagers”
- Fuller: “Helping Adolescents Work Through the Rising Tide of Anxiety”
- Fuller: “Serving today’s anxious generation; 5 ministry perspectives”
- Fuller: “What’s the difference between stress and anxiety? 3 signs”
- Fuller: “We need to talk about anxiety”
- Fuller: “7 strategies to respond to teenage girls’ stress and anxiety”
- Fuller: “Busting myths about teen girl anxiety”
- Fuller: “In The Aftermath of Teen Suicide”
- Fuller: “In The Aftermath of Teen Suicide, Part 2”
- DYM Lab: “Mental Health and Youth Workers”
- Rethinking Youth Ministry: “RYM 087: Taking Care of Your Own Mental Health as a Youth Ministry Leader”
- Psych Central “Cancelling Plans Due to Anxiety”
- Parent Cue Live: “Helping Kids Cope With Anxiety, Episode 21”
- Parent Cue Live: “How to Recognize the Signs of Teen Depression & Suicide, Episode 72”
- Parent Cue Live: “How To Teach Your Kids Patience in an Impatient World, Episode 71”
- Parent Cue Live: “How To Recognize When Your Kid Is in Crisis, Episode 65”
- Parent Cue Live: “Helping Kids Navigate Through Crisis, Episode 20”
- Fuller: “Faith in an Anxious World Parenting Podcast, Episode 1”
- Fuller: “Faith in an Anxious World Parenting Podcast, Episode 2”
- Fuller: “Faith in an Anxious World Parenting Podcast, Episode 3”
- Fuller: “Faith in an Anxious World Parenting Podcast, Episode 4”
- Parent Tips: “Teen Anxiety with Jonathan and Dr. Kara Powell”
- DYM: “Take Care of Yourself”
- DYM: “How’s Your Soul Doing?”
- Orange Leaders: “How the Church can Help Those in Recovery”
- Orange Leaders: “Setting Up a Counseling Center at your Church: Setting up for Success”
- Orange Leaders: “What to Say When the Unthinkable Happens”
- Orange Leaders: “Getting Unstuck from Depression”
- Parent Tips: “Teen Anxiety with Jonathan and Dr. Kara Powell”
- Rethinking Youth Ministry: “RYM 012: Navigating Mental Health and Suicide in Your Ministry
- Rethinking Youth Ministry: “RYM 099: What’s Going on in a Teenager’s Brain in Moments of Despair and Grief”
- Rethinking Youth Ministry: “RYM 011: What to do when a student self-harms”
- Rethinking Youth Ministry: “RYM 076: What can we do about student anxiety as youth ministry leaders?”
- Rethinking Youth Ministry: “RYM 080: What to do when real life collides with youth ministry”
- DYM Podcast: “Kara Powell on Teens & Anxiety”
- DYM Podcast: “Caring for Hurting Students”